Have you ever felt butterflies when you first started a new relationship with someone you love so much that you don’t want it to end? You are not the only one.
Andrea Syrtash, a dating and relationship expert, says that a new relationship can be full of possibilities, discovery, and potential–not just of our partners, but also of ourselves and our wants, needs, and desires. Carmelia Ray, celebrity matchmaker, agrees that the “honeymoon” stage is a crucial period in your relationship. She explains that this is a unique time to make unforgettable memories together and a time when many couples feel like they are falling for. However, the anxiety and jitters that you feel in relationships can take away the joy and create unnecessary pressure.
We asked the experts to share their top relationship advice to help couples enjoy this time of getting to know one another and less stress. Syrtash states that Long-term relationships should feel like work. However, dating shouldn’t feel like work. To know more about relationships just come to The Lovers Point.
Keep the Past in the Past
Ray says that when someone is dating someone new, a big mistake is for them to bring all their worries, fears, and negative experiences from previous relationships to the current relationship. Ray explains that she has heard from singles over 26 years that they don’t want to hear about the past relationships of their dates on first or second dates. Avoid sharing and focus your conversations on the person you are currently with and getting to know them.
Do not make comparisons
It is easy to compare your relationship with your S.O. Ray warns that comparing your relationship to other partners or relationships will only make you feel worse and could cause problems for your partner. Ask yourself these questions instead: Are you in this relationship to be competitive with another person? Do you want to impress others? Are you in this relationship to impress other people?
Take Actions, Not Words!
It doesn’t matter if someone talks about taking trips next year. If he or she is unavailable right now.” This is where you need to be able to read the actions of others and not just believe what they say. She also said that if your partner introduces to you family and friends, it is likely that they will see you as a part of their long-term life.
Be Vulnerable, Even If You’re Afraid
Ray admits that the thought of being vulnerable can be scary for many people. Ray says it’s how you expose your true self, even if you are hurt. This can help you to trust and deepen your relationship with someone new. She explains that vulnerability can be a gift for someone who wants to get to know you better.
Do not embellish the truth or brag.
Ray says that bragging is a big turnoff for both women and men. It’s not necessary that you constantly impress your partner, especially if you already like them. It’s okay to be proud of yourself without listing every accomplishment in your life.
Keep your eyes on the present
Remember that being in a relationship now is a time for discovery and curiosity. There will be a lot of new things at once. Syrtash says, “To ease the pressure, remind yourself that you can stay present and open.” Syrtash says that this includes being true to yourself and trusting your instincts. It doesn’t matter how perfect someone is on paper if they don’t end up being the right person.
Keep listening and being curious
Ray says that listening is a communication skill that most people lack. It allows your partner to feel heard and appreciated when you give them your full attention. It’s a sign of your curiosity and makes you feel special and unique.